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Savings this month just blew me away!
Acquiring a second job has totally made the difference in how much I was able to save. If you are on the fence about getting a second job, but are frustrated with your lack of progress towards your financial goals, just take the leap and apply.
Working two jobs can be temporary, however you will be able to make huge strides with your finances. I should have applied for a part-time job a long time ago!
My savings report for the month of July
Extra money this month
- Craigslist/Ebay/Amazon sales $15.93
- Money skimmed from regular budget items $34.82
- Trimmed expenses (i.e. internet/cellphone) $103.08
- Extra hustle $650.50
- Second job $1,176.37
- Cash back from bank $5.19
- Blog income $10.52
- Budget items saved for annual bills $537.34
Total saved: $2,533.75
Where is the money going?
- Emergency Fund $16.80
- School $1,335.79
- Car Repair/Replace $29.77
- Blog $10.52
- Annual bills $1,140.87
Running totals
- Emergency fund $1,205.01
- School $1,395.80
- Car Repair/Replace $357.77
Grand total of savings in 2015: $7,458.76
$2,533.75???? I had to redo the numbers about 8 times, because they didn't seem right. At all! The total was pretty close every single time, so I will go with it.! For starters, this July was my busiest July on record and ended up being the busiest month all year to date for hours worked. Yes, I am tired and find it hard to get much of anything else done, but I am so thankful to have this opportunity to really ramp up the savings for the next tuition payment which is due in a couple of weeks.
The main reason I was able to work so many hours this month was because I officially started my second job, as a Video Relay Interpreter. There was a lot of training and there will be many new challenges which will force me to improve my interpreting skills. And fast.
My start date was early enough in the month to allow me to receive my first paycheck in July, which was a humungo blessing! Plus there are possibilities to earn a bonus and a differential paid for working on holidays.
The hubs has gotten on board with helping sell some things online and he already sold two items in July. I have quite a few items to list and then he will take over the selling process for me. I must take pictures tomorrow, so he can be busy selling things before the next semester starts up.
Recently, I have written a couple articles about making your financial goals visual and realized that I really need to make saving the (remaining) money for the rest of school visual. Hello! I need motivation too!
So I printed out a picture and we will start coloring it in based on how much we save for school. I'm super excited about having a visual aspect to this goal which has always seemed nebulous with nary a finish line in sight.
When you have cut all the expenses in your budget that you can, you need to look at ways to bring in more income. I am just a couple of weeks into my new job and already can see such a huge potential to really move the needle on savings, which has been stuck (or wobbling downward) for a good couple of years.
The opportunity of my job has been available for several years, but I had avoided it because of fear of the unknown and based on what some colleagues have said about the work. However, I am so thankful to see how God has provided through this opportunity and am thrilled to see how quickly I will be able to build up savings.
Do you have an opportunity to move the needle of your finances in front of you, but there is something holding you back?
Let your Why trample your fears.
See where this post may be shared.
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Hi! I’m Charissa. I’m on a mission to help hardworking women overcome money struggles and gain financial peace with a Biblical perspective so they can have the freedom to impact their families and communities. Ready to make some changes that will impact your finances in 2020? Click here to get a free worksheet to help you make it happen!
Chonce says
Awesome job with the savings! Working an extra job is a great temporary way to increase your income quickly. I nominated you for the Sunshine Blogger Award, you can see details on my blog 🙂
Charissa says
Thank you for the nomination Chonce! You always brighten my day when you stop by here and leave a comment. My second job certainly allowed me to have a huge jump in my income at the end of the summer (which is usually where I start scraping together all the accumulated savings to pay my bills).
Debbie says
That is so awesome, Charissa! I am really glad to read that things are going well on your end.
I must say that I lost a little bit of my track in July. I was too busy, but I am back to registering everything in August. It does wonders for the mind to write things down.
Charissa says
Thank you Debbie! My July was the same as yours, super busy and off track. I think I need to start small and go back to just having a list of 4 things to accomplish a day, instead of being overwhelmed and not knowing where to start to get things done.
Valerie says
So impressed by your work ethic! ????????
Charissa says
Awww thanks Valerie.
sue says
Congratulations! It must be so rewarding to achieve your goal and see your savings add up. Thank you for sharing this with us Charissa, at #WednesdaysWisdom and encouraging others to try to save.
Charissa says
Thank you Sue. The more I save, the more motivated I am to save even more. Tracking your savings is such a rewarding venture! Thanks for stopping by.
Kathleen says
You are doing a fabulous job, those savings are awesome. Don’t burn out though. It can be so hard to keep the right balance as you would know.
Thanks so much for sharing on Fridays Blog Booster Party #18
Charissa says
Thank you. I am well aware how hard to keep the right balance and haven’t figured out how to get there yet. With a tuition payment coming up, I am thankful for the extra hours right now.
Kathleen says
Thanks for putting the pin of this post into the Pinterest Game. All the best in being chosen to be FEATURED. We love you being a co-host of the Game.
Charissa says
I have enjoyed co-hosting the Pinterest Game very much Kathleen. Thank you for coming up with the game in the first place and teaching me how to co-host well.