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Reducing monthly expenses is an ongoing battle and something you should do fairly frequently as prices tend to slowly creep up higher and higher.
If you are seriously trying to rein your budget in, so you can have some more breathing room in your finances, then you need to look at each line item in your budget and evaluate it.
- Is that expense necessary? No? Then get rid of it! Call and cancel the bill.
- If yes, then ask if that’s the lowest price you can pay on that bill? Shop around with competitors, call and ask for a discount, or look for ways to lower the cost.
You may have to make a phone call or shop around for the best price, which is a hassle, but definitely worth it when you see how much you will save over a year. Tackle one expense at a time, so you don’t get overwhelmed.
1. Cable
Cable is certainly expensive and can waste a lot of money on channels you don’t watch.
There are a lot of options to stream different shows online now, such as Hulu or Netflix. You will pay a subscription price which will vary, but it will be cheaper than paying for cable.
You may have to wait to a later date instead of watching the show the same day it airs and you will have to find an alternative to sports programming, but you could quickly start seeing substantial savings.
If you don’t want to cancel cable entirely, make a phone call to see if you can cancel any channels you are not using or switch to a cheaper bundle.
2. Cell Phone
When was the last time you reviewed your cell phone package?
Especially if you have a family plan, go over your usage and see if there is a cheaper plan you can get.
Or, shop around and see if you can get a better service through another carrier.
I have seen a lot of chatter online about switching to Republic Wireless for a MUCH cheaper cell phone plan. I don’t have personal experience with Republic Wireless as of right now, but I know people who have saved hundreds of dollars over several months.
I was able to combine and condense my family cell phone plans with one phone call, saving about $75/month.
3. Internet
Internet costs had about doubled in my area over 5 years. When a new provider became available, we were able to switch carriers and saved about $20-25/month.
Are there other providers in your area that provide internet service? Call and check around. Make the switch to another carrier if you will save money.
4. Bundling Policies
Along with saving money on the cell phone plans, my hubby was able to bundle our cell phone bill with the internet bill and saved $5/month doing that.
You can often bundle insurance policies as well, but compare the price of bundling two or more policies together with the same insurance and what the cost would be if you had separate polices.
Bundling insurances within one company doesn’t always give you the best deal, so make sure to shop around.
Save hundreds of dollars on health insurance with this tip!
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- Successful Budget Tips Series
Hi! I’m Charissa. I’m on a mission to help hardworking women overcome money struggles and gain financial peace with a Biblical perspective so they can have the freedom to impact their families and communities. Ready to make some changes that will impact your finances in 2020? Click here to get a free worksheet to help you make it happen!